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"Get inner peace and security in challenging ethical choices related to different types of donation"

About Tone

Family therapist, lecturer, author and podkasthost

Tone Bråten is a family therapist, writer, author, course leader and lecturer specialized in  infertility.

She graduated as a systemic family therapist at Diakonhjemmet in Oslo in 2012 and was approved as a course leader in depression management in 2019.

Member of NOFAB (Norwegian Association for Assisted Fertilization).

For the past 13 years, she has experienced  working for both Norwegian fertility clinics and fertility clinics abroad, helping and supporting couples and individuals through treatment both online and in person. She has worked for Clinic Medicus, in Norway and fertility clinic Olgafertility. 


She also has contact with fertility clinics abroad 

See international cooperation.

She is the therapist in Norway with the most knowledge about IVF, donations and the emotional and ethical challenges the individual and the couple may face.

Tone has published two children's books for children by donation, see books , been a writer for mammanett, and is a writer for Ønskebarn today. She has contributed to the media with her knowledge and professional knowledge, see Tone in the media.

Today, she runs the company Fertilitetshjelpen, works closely with Klinikk Hausken in Norway, and has contacts with clinics in Finland, Denmark, Spain and Russia.

You can contact Tone regardless of which clinic you belong to, if you struggle to get pregnant, she is the one to talk to. Here you can see what services Tone offers.

Tone has been a fertility patient herself, and was under treatment for two years to get her twins, who are now 15 years old.

She is good at "heart-to-heart" conversations and loves to help what she considers as future parents.


Get in touch to  talk to someone who can finally understand you and who has knowledge of how the trial period can be less stressful, with the same opportunity to succeed!

Om Tone

"In my world, it's almost impossible not to get pregnant with all the help and options available today!"

International experience

Tone has traveled around Europe and given lectures to doctors, nurses, fertility clinics and gynecologists about what it is like to be a fertility patient, and what they need in terms of care and support. Tone has worked for 3 years for a fertility clinic in Russia, which today is called OLGA Fertility. Her job was to help couples and singles, to become emotionally and ethically ready for treatment, and to ensure that the treatment would match their own values. She also has contact with the clinic today.

Tone is currently collaborating with the Finnish clinic Ovumia Fertinova, where she writes reports approving couples for egg donation and double donation. Tone has good contact with the Spanish clinic Instituto Bernabeu.

Read more about contacts and cooperation abroad here.

Tone can help you to:

  • Understand and accept your and your partner's reactions during fertility treatment.

  • Feel less lonely

  • Keep motivation and hope up

  • Gain inner peace and security in challenging ethical choices related to different types of donations

  • Process grief after failed attempts

  • See the treatment in different perspectives, which provides an increased quality of life and makes the treatment easier to go through

  • Connect with the child, and convey to the child its story



"Having a professional therapist to talk to in the process of involuntarily childlessness is worth its weight in gold.

Tone understood my situation well since she has personal experience. I received good help to sort out thoughts and feelings and to turn negative thoughts into something positive.


Tone gave me hope all the way which resulted in two wonderful miracles ».


Anne Berit

I first heard Tone in an online talk. There I met a lady who was full of energy, and not least she is sitting inside with a whole army of experiences. You do not have to explain to Tone what you are going through, she knows. She herself has felt it on her body.

I'm always looking forward to meeting Tone. She is warm, funny, direct, caring, and she always has a good explanation for your feelings. It's impossible not to like Tone.


Kjell and Janne

«In guidance we received good advice, information about what are normal reactions and needs. Increased understanding of each other and better insight into the situation.

It was very significant and has made the process a lot easier! both as couples and individuals »



"Tone has helped me understand that what I think and feel is actually completely normal. Being involuntarily childless is one of the most difficult things I have ever experienced. I do not understand how people get through the process without having "a Tone" to talk to. You quickly end up in a dark hole and then it's nice to have someone who can help you up ».

TV and news

I have been a lot in Media, Good Morning Norway, NRK News, TV2 News, KK, Romerikes Blad, Parents and children. You can read and see everything here.


I have visited several podcast episodes. Some of the podcasts I have visited are Wish Children, Family Life and Femihelse. Listen to it all here and follow the list to stay up to date on the latest episodes.

Social Media

I share a lot on social media. Everything from words of inspiration, experiences, knowledge, offers, updates and not least I am active and available on the free closed Facebook group "Energy boost for fertility patients". Join then!


I have written two children's books for children by donation. One is called "Ole is made of magic rump troll" and the other is written in English and is called "Lilly from the other side of the rainbow".

Tone and media

Tone i media
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