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In a child’s own language, this unique book tells the story of conception through egg donation.


This is the story of how Lily’s mom and dad travelled far, far away to that special land to find the magical egg that would give them the baby they wanted more than anything in the world. Would you like to hear the story?


Written by Tone Bråten a Norwegian family counsellor, writer, and speaker specialising in infertility.


“Couples who choose conception through egg donation often need to sort out many feelings, thoughts and ethical issues. A key question is how to tell the child about how they came to be. This unique book tells that story in the language of a child. The book is designed to make the child feel special, wanted, and grateful for everything you have done to become a parent! This book can also be used as motivation during treatment”

Lily – From the other side of the rainbow

SKU: 364215376135191
kr 390,00Pris
  • Price 39 EUR including shipping
    Frakt er inkludert.

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